Tuesday, December 16, 2008

::crafty time::

We put up our tree this weekend. Aaron was SO excited about it. He helped put it up and give it all the proper decorations. He likes to group a bunch in one place on the tree and Clay would try to encourage him to spread them out. Aaron would have no part in that! He wanted it to do it his way, which meant big bunches on one branch. I giggled. Aaron is our oldest and is truly showing the colors of an oldest child lately. I'm an oldest. I completely relate.

We also had some impromptu family craft time. We painted and decorated some decorations for the tree. I had the biggest smile on my face - just watching them was pure delight. M was napping, but she was able to "help" afterwards.

Our tree is quite lovely. It's decorated with a mixture of handmade and store-bought ornaments. Some were also gifts from students whom I taught. I enjoy putting those on the tree because I think back to those little faces.

Aaron takes a lot of pride in his decorating. It's very serious business. He created a paper garland for the tree and took so much time to make it just right. There was so much joy in his face as he connected each paper loop and stapled them with intent.

And our tree:

More to come... I've been sewing a bit...

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